My Angel Experience

It was Sunday 4th September 2005 and as I slept that evening I had both my hands across my heart area as I often fall asleep while giving self healing since I was attuned to Reiki healing in 2004. I always enjoy falling asleep to this warm healing energy surging through my heart and expanding out to the whole of my body.

This particular evening after falling restfully asleep I suddenly woke up and  noticed in the corner of my bed room a male figure standing and looking straight ahead.

He looked like an ancient wise man, he wasn’t tall and he was wearing a simple dark coloured rope. I had a good side view of him so I could see his strong features, straight noise, dark eyes, slim olive coloured face with a tidy beard and dark shoulder length hair.

As I continued looking in awe I noticed his hands were placed across his heart in the exact same self healing position as mine! I consciously closed my eyes and reopened them immediately in case I was dreaming, he was still there for a good seven seconds and then he just disappeared. My first instincts were he looked like some of the images depicted by artists as Jesus.

The next morning I remember thinking how blessed I was to have had such a deeply spiritual experience and wrote it down in my journal. Eight years on and I can still see that exact clear image in my mind. I didn’t realise until recently the figure I saw was in fact my guardian Angel.

I suppose you could say I was spiritually naive! But I instinctively knew that the Reiki healing energy had evoked a powerful divine manifestation in showing me approval of my progression with self healing.  Intuitively I felt the presence of my guardian Angel was encouraging me in continuing with my own self-healing and that giving healing to others would play an important role in my life.

It’s taken me eight years to fully explore a deeper connection with the spiritual experience I had that evening. I believe it was triggered by a another separate powerful spiritual experience I had recently, after which I had a strong feeling that I should meditate and connect telepathically with my guardian Angel.

I will write in more detail about the other spiritual experience that lead to my telepathic connection with my Angel another time.

But what I will say for now is that this recent divine experience connected me profoundly to source energy and the angelic realm instigated communication with my guardian Angel to be the right time.

I meditated and it wasn’t long before connection was made with my guardian Angel.

I started by just simply asking the question in my mind.

“Please confirm if you are my Guardian Angel appearing In the year 2005 with hands across heart in healing ”?

The communication I received.

“Yes, and we have been waiting for your communication with us!”

I was also given my guardian Angels name and our communication has become deeper & more regular.

At one point I asked a question in my mind and impatiently after a few seconds I asked the same question verbally.

I then heard.

“We can hear you telepathically” 

It was as if to say, You don’t need to repeat the question verbally as we will hear you anyway!

When I asked the question, “Is it ok for me to discuss my guardian Angel communication with others”?

The communication I received.

“It is advised to avoid talking about your communications with us as it can cause interference in the process. There will be a time once all things are established that you can speak freely as you will be doing”

Of course I will take the advice given until the right time to speak & write more openly about the communication I receive and how it’s evolving and helping.

But what I will share with you for now is the question I asked about my guardian Angels image. As I always imagined if I saw my guardian Angel that it would be like a goddess with wings maybe! I never expected the image I saw, An ancient wise healing man.

The communication I received. 

“We know you connect to Jesus & as you are a healer we will represent & present ourselves in the image you most connect with.

I am light in essence. I am assigned by God & your work is part of the reason I am here to guide you”

We are extensions of source energy and non-physical energy (Angels & Guides)   Source energy can project visually in many forms and communication can vary from seeing, hearing or both.

Having spoken to other people who have also had Angel experiences, they explain that Angels appear in a visual translation that you will understand, so if you have no connection to religion then its unlikely you will see a religious figure but you might see something else that you connect to, it could be an Angel with or without wings, or it could be a native American Indian guide. Some people see their guides & Angels as sparkling lights. So it doesn’t matter what your belief system is as long as you have a desire to connect with non-physical energy.

It’s given a whole new meaning to the saying, “Once the student is ready the teacher will appear”


“Once the student is ready the Guardian Angels will appear”! 


Bizarrely Blessed

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